Matthew Frock

Detail of Endeavor an artwork by Matthew Frock

Design by Matthew Frock

About the work:
Matt is interested in the dichotomy between what is necessary and what humans actually do. This painting series explores the engineering feats humanity has accomplished for the worst possible reasons. The images are snapshots within our present-day Koyaanisqatsi – they represent examples of the extremes by which we endeavor to become out of balance and poison ourselves.

Matt Frock is an artist born and raised in Philadelphia. After creating the video production company, Half Here Productions in Oakland, California he moved back to Philadelphia where his scripts became more theatrical. There, Matt built theater installations such as the Warcheer Stelae, Dearest Moon, Projections and The Love Maker. Recently, he's authored and illustrated two books, Love2 and Naiya and the Pond of Stars. Matt teaches art at The Haverford School.

More of Matt Frock's work can be seen at

Crane Arts Building
Gallery 105
1400 N. American St.
Philadelphia, PA 19122
December 5 to 14, 2014
12 PM - 6 PM